Thursday, September 1, 2011

I'm Crushed...

Thursday, September 1, 2011
Dear Universe,

Is there something I've done to displease you?
You can be honest here because I really need to know.
I need you to tell me why you won't let me be a Mother, let alone get pregnant.

I'm thankful and so very, very grateful for my family and many friends who called, sms'd and Tweeted me yesterday afternoon when I was a bit of a mess.  By a bit, I mean a LOT.
The thing that made me pull myself together was that I was having a BBQ delivered and I didn't want the guy to be scared of me with my red, swollen eyes and matching nose. I threw some water on my face just in time!

So, today's another day. I have one more frozen embryo. My Doctor said I could have stayed on the hormone replacement drugs and gone again straight away, but I need my body to have a break from the I'm now going to New York and LA in a couple of weeks.
I'll wait until I get back and try, try again.

I have no bun in my oven, so it's on my head, with a couple of greys!

N x